Henry Whitehead
Project Lead, Photographer
Henry has demonstrated his skills as a commercial photographer for the businesses of Western Australia for the past 7 years with Photography Project (now Sum Effect). He is also responsible for starting Lucida Studio, established in 2018. Lucida Studio is a photography business dedicated solely to excellence in art reproduction photography.
Henry thrives where ‘art meets science’ and this is evident throughout his career, from lighting design and production design in film, to technically-focused art projects, videography, photography, and art reproduction. Aside from having a passion for the sciences (particularly astronomy), he’s a hands-on, creative problem solver who thrives when there are technical solutions to artistic outcomes.
Studies include:
2002-2003 - SAE Institute. Digital Film
2009-2013 - Curtin University. Bachelor of Arts, Fine art
2013 - Central TAFE. Laboratory Skills Cert. III